Looking back in my rear-view mirror one last time at the rapidly receding 2008, here are some of my favorite blog posts:
January found me in Chicago, sleep-deprived on midnights, launching the MKS. We also became victims of Coco's rage as she guest-blogged her little heart out. And of course, there was the "Smooth Skin" debacle that I am still trying, unsuccessfully, to live down.
In chilly February, I spent my time bitching about rigged photo contests and bragging about beetles. Back in Chicago, a dog came to happy hour. An innocent-looking Valentine's Day party gave me heartburn, and somewhere in there, Jake said "Amaranth".
In March I thought about your face and read my bananas.
April was fun, what with the realization that Zach could now beat me at stuff. We learned about girls & beer and a new word, dreamed of Jerry.
In May we inventoried Jay's couch, sang a deadly song to Coco, and remembered our campy camp days. We stalled, jammed, and swam. We wondered what that stink was. Alisa wrote her first blog post here, and we finally showed off Brooke.
June was all about wet lizards, K-cars, and climbing into the kids minds. Jake took his turn guest blogging, coming up with this succinct piece, but the big story of June was surely Mt. Woodchip, otherwise known as Wendy. There was also a long-lost tale from Mexico.
Ahh, July. Summer at last. Foremost on my mind was my defeat at the hands of the kayak gods, with a hilarious beer dispute to liven up the weekend. We remembered a grand bike ride, and contemplated a swim in a tiny pool. I shuddered when I remembered the time I almost died, and this was the month we found Marvin on our doorstep.
August was very busy, but notable primarily for a short-lived a misunderstanding between my lovely wife Janice Joplin and myself.
September was scary because of a shortage of pillows and coffee. We also had to climb a bit of a learning curve. Things slowed down a little after the big move and in came some reflection about somewhere else I once lived and my father and mother. Then we talked about driving in Detroit.
October is supposed to be about monsters, and creepy sounds, and ours was no different.
In November we eavesdropped and called for medical advice. After that, it was all clamstrips and baby blogging.
You should remember December, since we just escaped it, but in case you have lapses, start with a photography lesson add some toys, and stir well. The year went out with a bang.
O-Eight was quite a year, by all accounts. We moved to a new house, had a wonderful baby, and generally lived life to the fullest. This new year is promising to be at least as challenging, with more changes surely on the way.
One thing is certain: we'll be here to share it all with you.
1 comment:
What a great walk down memory lane. You had me laughing out loud and tearing up at your little remembrances! What a great year! May 09 be just as memorable!!!
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