The scrodents really need baths. And I mean, REALLY. They stink horribly, even by their gag-a-troll standards. We're talking "Open Sewer in Calcutta in July" stank. I can't (or won't) imagine what diverse and deadly forms of life their hides are harboring right now. You know it's bad when they start smelling each other, lingering in one spot for a few minutes as they deeply imbibe the demon scent.
I caught Jake rolling in "something" in the yard yesterday and it wasn't something good-smelling. Then I caught him doing it again, in the same spot, a few minutes later. Not a good sign. His back was green, brown, and pungent afterwards, so you won't catch me petting him any time soon. I can hardly stand being in the same room with him.
I think I'll give them a good hosing first to break up the hard bits, followed by a proper bath. Then they will be respectable, or at least tolerable for their birthday party this weekend.
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