Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Big Butt & Smooth Skin


Act I
Scene I

[Cozy but drafty pub on Woodward Avenue. Old warehouse with high ceilings and highly varnished wooden floors. Second floor with a nice view down darkening Woodward. A guy and his pretty wife are sitting at a booth having micro-brews and eating better-than-average bar food. They are ready to move on to their next adventure but the waitress is nowhere to be seen with the check. A mid-90's alternative rock song plays in the background, something by Collective Soul.]

Dave, getting a little anxious: "Where is that waitress with the big butt and smooth skin?"

Heather: "Smooth skin?"

Dave: "Yes, and big butt."

Heather: "Smooth skin?

Dave: "Y....yes."

Heather: "You noticed her skin?"

Dave: "Yes....er...um...and her big butt?"

[The big butt is irrelevant to the issue, and is summarily dismissed by Heather. It's the skin that matters here...]

Heather: "The big butt is out there for anyone to see, but you really have to look hard to see that she has smooth skin. I would rather have you say she had nice boobs."

Dave: "She reached her arm right in front of me, and I saw her skin! Big deal. Besides, she doesn't have nice boobs..."

[Guys. We never learn, do we?]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Skin is personal! You really have to pay attention to notice someone's skin, thats all I'm saying:) HB