The happy hour in the lobby today was intriguing and also a little troubling - it raised more questions than it answered. For one thing, there were more than a few heart transplant recipients there. Why? And one more who was celebrating being added to "the list" for a transplant. Now, I have been to quite a few happy hours in my day, and never before have I seen more than one heart transplant recipient there amongst the beer-chuggers. Interesting.
So that was the first odd thing. And there was a guy who looked just like Kenny Rogers. Ok, it probably wasn't Kenny Rodgers. So for now, let's just call him Kenny R. So, Kenny R. had like 15 beers in the space of about an hour. And they just kept serving him. "Ok, Kenny, want another?", and "So, ready for another beer, Kenny?". That's what they said, instead of "Kenny, your blood is now volatile enough to use as rocket propellant, don't you think you should slow down, kiddo?".
And there was a woman who had just gotten a nose job. She had the classic Hollywood Bandage in place. She was there with her surgeon. He was talking about the finer points of Rhinoplasty as she vacuously sipped her white zin and looked for all the world like she was still under the heavy influence of the sodium pentothal. Did he just kidnap her from the hospital recovery room? It could happen.
There were of course the long-timers, the people who actually live in this hotel. Some have been here for years. I tried to imagine how many elevator rides that would be, and if they were ever in the elevator when it got stuck. Seems almost probable.
There was a big malamute, appearing to be fresh off the Iditarod. Yes, a dog came to happy hour. If he had grabbed a beer and some pretzels I would have written this entire post on just that one thing, but as it was he just sat patiently and waited for Mr. Alpha to get loaded.
That was about enough for one evening. I almost can't wait to see what tomorrows tides bring in.
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