Last night started out crazy, what with the pall of the artificial eye having been draped over the evening. But it got worse. I had a really hard time getting to sleep and just as I was nodding off I heard a strange series of noises coming from Zach's room. I could tell he was already tossing and turning because it's amplified rudely by the monitor. So I was paying close attention listening for possible seizure noises.
But then I heard him get up, walk across the floor and step on something wet and that was followed by a big splash and gurgling noises. Then shuffling and squeaking.
I bolted across the floor and over the dog gate like a rocket. Around the corner and down the stairs too fast for safety. Then down the hall and over Zach's gate like a sprinter. I saw that he was in bed. Walking across his room I stepped in water. He had a lizard that grows in size if placed in water, and we had put it in a bowl on his floor the previous night. It was spilled over.
Zach was in bed, fast asleep.
I groggily attempted to reconstruct the scene. I guess he had walked towards his door half awake, stepped on the lizard-water, and ran back to bed before I got downstairs. I checked under his covers and his foot was wet.
I laid with him and fell asleep hanging half off is bed for a while. When I couldn't stand the discomfort any more I went back upstairs to bed. I didn't sleep well at all. I had dreams of flying over parking lots of cars, flapping my arms wildly and looking for something, but not exactly sure what.
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