Friday, August 15, 2008

Heatherbaby McGee

Heather used to sing karaoke with Lisa when they would go out. She has sung for me many times and she's really good.

Her favorite was Janis Joplin. She sings "Bobby McGee" so well you would think you were listening to the reincarnation of Janis herself. It was surprising to hear her sound like that, because it's so different from her normal voice.

She's keeping the tradition alive too, she sings "Mercedes Benz" to Maddie every night at bedtime. And Maddie sings along. It's just about as cute as I can stand to hear a 30 lb Janis Joplin singing about Color TVs and nights on the town.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

I think Maddie has more energy than Janis, but I don't remember Janis that well; it was the 60's afterall :)