In the carnival of madness that is my life right now, it will benefit me greatly to slow down, take a deep breath, and picture a time when tripping on boxes and looking for missing coffee grinders will be a thing of the past.
It's easy to go nuts in an environment that is upside down and sideways, where hardly anything is quite right, and everything else is quite wrong.
Living for years in a house, you get used to knowing where everything is. When you do lose something, it's usually something new or old, seldom used or not really necessary.
Now we are in a place where we cannot locate basic, very important things. Like clothes. Toothbrushes. Um, and the hard drive containing my life's collection of music.
We have the lawn fertilizer spreader, which I use once a year, but not the coffee grinder, an everyday necessity. We've located the glass top to a coffee table we'll never use again, in fact we trip over it every day, but just try to find a decent bath towel that hasn't been used on the dogs...
But my pillow!
That's what I miss the most. We have Heather's, but now that she's claimed that back, I am sleeping on a hard, compact pillow better suited to torturing a medieval prisoner or building a bunker with than putting your head down on. I wish I had the slightest clue where that thing could be stuffed right now. In a box at the bottom of the heap in the garage? Perhaps. In the basement, under the rubber Halloween skeleton? Maybe.
Rubber Halloween skeleton?
Yes, we have that. Good thing too, because Halloween is only a couple months away.
You got the Halloween decorations as a wedding present from your friend.
Yeah, yeah and blah, blah pillows and coffee grinders. But do you know where the most important things of all are? My precious childhood pictures waiting to be scanned? What?! You haven't scanned them yet? What have you been spending all your time doing instead? Moving or something?
I have your precious pillow, but you're going to have to come and get it.
Ignore Jay. Remember that he was not there. Anyways, you will find your pillow. It may take years of unpacking and by that time you will have bought and bonded with a new pillow, but you will find it. Good luck with everything.
Alisa, yes, your pictures are very safe, fear not. And as soon as I can get the system togather I'll scan them all. I promise. I'll unpack later :)
your pillows are in the dresser drawers
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