Monday, December 1, 2008

Off Center

We got to see Alisa this weekend too! She stopped by to meet Brooke.

I took a bunch of pics of her, and I'll post one when I get a minute. For now, here's one Alisa took of me. I really like it. I mean, it's not centered so we have to deduct some points for that, but the facial detail is amazing.



Alisa said...

How DID I do that?

wildmary said...

Alisa, you are such a good writer. Just stick to writing. :)

Bri said...

that looks like the anonymous guy

Alisa said...

Isn't it obvious that I planned this out very carefully? All I really wanted was a shot of your cabinets and your head got in the way. :-)

Mike Wild said...

What is that alien doing in front of those wonderfully detailed cabinets. They came out great - you can see the grain. Mike