Tuesday, August 12, 2008

You Have What?

A combination of Heather's pregnancy-swelling-induced hearing loss and my noisy car phone produced the following mistranslation yesterday:

I said: "...we have to go cancel our Mexican Visas..."

HB heard: "...we have to go cancel our Mexican Pizzas..."

And then later, as we were bringing the pizza (not Mexican) and everything else out onto the deck for dinner, the lack of car noise didn't stop this gem:

I said: "I have her piece..."

HB heard: "I have herpes..."

I can see why she might be concerned, at first. I was talking pizza and she was hearing the introduction of an STD onto the marital scene.

We laughed about that last one late into the night. It still makes me giggle.


Dennis said...

Doesn't Zach have a video character that will keep your outbreaks suppressed?

Alisa said...

Oooh - that is funny!!!!!1

wildmary said...

There are drugs for that.