Both of the kids are very restless sleepers. They have different implementations of it though.
Zach grabs and kicks the blankets, like he's wrestling a giant anaconda somewhere deep in in the Amazon.
Maddie, on the other hand, rotates continuously when she sleeps. Heather says she's like a hot dog on a rotisserie at 7-11.
We have two monitors, one in Maddie's room because of her age, and one in Zach's because of his seizures. So we pretty much hear it all, every hot doggy rotation, every snake-grappling shuffle and bump. All night long.
Lately, Maddie has been charming or crying her way into our bed at night. This is so she can give us a front-row seat at the hot dog rotisserie window. Once that show starts, all hope of restful sleep is lost.
I hear ya'. For at least a year when Madeleine was two and three, she came into our bed several times a week, squishing me in the middle. I would sleep with my arm straight up under my head and ended up having to have physical therapy on my shoulder! But every night I was just too tired to get up and put her back in bed, and I always said, "Okay, just tonight..."
enjoy the snugglies while you can. They grow out of it too soon!
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