I pride myself in being able to stump the grocery checkout person at least once during each shopping trip. If there is a strange, exotic, or rare item in the produce section, I'll get one and the poor employee will stare at it, completely dumfounded, until he or she gives up and asks me what the hell it is. Sometimes I get more than one stumping in a given checkout event. My record is five.
My past triumphs have included lychees, tomatillos, habanero chilies, Syrian cucumbers, jicama, chayote squash, and golden beets. Occasionally, more common items such as cilantro or mustard greens will elicit a stumping. And every now and then you get a poor sap who doesn't know what parsley is.
I don't like that. That's not a challenge. That's a tragedy.
So there it is. You found what Jesse Jackson was gonna cut off of Barack Obama.
exactly what the heck is that?
Careful Carol, if you don't look out, you may actually have to eat one of those at Dave's.
It's a lychee, in the husk. I know they look like a peeled eyeball in a scrotal sack, but I'm sure they taste much better than that.
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