Monday, September 26, 2011

The New OJ Trial

"Oz, in the face of Besser's harsh but appropriate criticism, retreated to the position that bad reporters often retreat to - I was just trying to start a conversation. In other words, don't trust my conclusions, I just wanted to toss the issue out there, not present a definitive treatment of the issue. He just want to "bring clarity" to the issue - but instead he has just muddied the waters. This is a lame cop-out. In my opinion, the Dr. Oz show blew it. Not only did they do a terrible job of reporting this issue, they appear to have gone out of their way to manufacture a fear out of nothing. Dr. Oz is doing some further retreating, saying that he is not concerned about the short term safety of apple juice, but rather the safety of long term exposure to arsenic. And this concern is based on...nothing, apparently, expect his attempt to save face  in the aftermath of this abject failure." - Neurologica

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