Monday, September 26, 2011

The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True

Richard Dawkins has written a new book, which is not really news because he writes one about every year…but this one is special because it’s his first book aimed specifically at introducing young readers to the world of science. From the early reviews, it’s about the best such book yet written on the subject, and I would expect no less from a great thinker who also happens to be a great communicator. It’s also wonderfully illustrated. The book is an attempt to introduce children to the practice of critical thinking above all else, which if you’ve read any of my previous rants, you know is very important to me. And it presents the universe in all its magnificent and awe-inspiring complexity.


This is something that would be perfect for Zach, and I’m going to get him a copy, but I’m going to do one better…


Turns out Dawkins is going to be in Motown on the 15th of October as part of his book tour and Brian found out he’s going to read his book in person at a place in West Bloomfield. It’s an event open to children and they’re going to have science games and activities set up for the kids.


Needless to say, I’m all over that. We’re going to bring Zach and Jack and they will get signed copies and a chance to meet one of the great biologists (zoologists if you are British) of our time.

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