Thursday, June 9, 2011

Brave New World, Baby!

"Amidst all the concern going around that cows' milk is bad for you, Chinese scientists have found a way to fix the problem: By genetically engineering cows to produce human breast milk."
Along these lines, I think it could be possible that soon we'll use animals like cows and pigs to grow actual human cloned organs for transplants. Some guy needs a liver, get his DNA and some stem cells and grow a clone of his liver inside a cow. One challenge in doing this is the time it would take to mature. Maybe in the future when a baby is born, the process can be started right off, so organs would be ready for them if they needed them later in life. That may seem a little wasteful perhaps, but so is the process for a liver transplant today - you basically have to wait for someone with your future liver to die.

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