I have been a little distressed lately, because I have to use a CPAP machine to sleep now due to my sleep apnea. I have a very mild case of apnea, but apparently it's enough to be dangerous so off I go into the wonderful world of high-pressure breathing apparatus.
I am more profoundly saddened by this very expensive, humming little machine than I ever thought I would be. I feel like I will never have a normal life again (as if I ever had one to begin with). I know I am supposed to "get used" to it, but it's claustrophobic, limiting, very un-sexy, and one big step closer to death. And talk about uncomfortable...it feels like trying to breathe with my head stuck out the window of a car on the expressway.
Last night was the first full night of my mad dance with the machine that I will name PAPzilla. I didn't sleep very well. I felt like I wasn't getting enough air, and the human body is designed to wake up when that happens. And as a little reminder, the mask of PAPzilla gave me very deep indentations in my face that show no signs of disappearing.
I know it's good for me, so I'll keep trying. But it's a challenging adventure, for sure.
A bunch of the old guys here at the office wear those (but not me -yet). There are more out there than you think. But what will you do when we are camping at the bottom of some canyon somewhere with no electricity? Can you switch back for a night or two, or are you addicted by then?
In the immortal words of George Clinton, "Make my PAP the C-PAP, I want to get PAPped up".
If I didn't know better, I'd think you got the latest Nintendo player, Playa.
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