Thursday, June 4, 2009

Anyone Out There?

Hello? Hi? Yoo Hoo!

I fear that nobody is out there reading this blog anymore. Perhaps you are all adopting the lurker lifestyle, but the once-common lively discussions and snide comments have faded to a whisper.

Oh well, I'll just keep on hiking...


Carol Weiss said...

Still there, boo-just haven't had time to comment! But love ya and I wlll keep reading!!!!

Anonymous said...

Faithful reader from Queen Creek, Arizona (Southeast of Phoenix). Enjoy your stories, don't stop!

Unknown said...

Your eloquent words leave me speechless!

Dave said...

Hi Patti! Welcome, and thanks for reading!

wildmary said...

I've been commenting. Don't I count? And it's usually nice comments, too! : )

wildmary said...

Besides, Dave, sometimes you do about 217 posts a day. And you send me the same post by email which I always answer and then I hate to be redundant on your blog. And it's only been 5 days since I've checked out your blog. How do you have time to write what I don't have time to read?!

wildmary said...
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wildmary said...

However, I do know how you feel. Sometimes I do a post that I think is particularly interesting or the pictures seem remarkable to me but nobody says anything. My own son doesn't leave comments. :(
Ok, that's it.

Brian said...
