Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Madison got her first haircut today! Crazy curls, subdued by her long hair, came popping back out.

She loved it!


Anonymous said...

Aunt Sissy aka Miss Sissy

wildmary said...

Another girlie moment in the world of Madison...So that's where those curls were hiding! Miss Mary loves it! Does Miss Daddy love it, too?

Dennis said...

She is sooooo cute. That looks like the guy that cuts my hair only this guy's engagement ring is smaller.

Dave said...

Miss Daddy does love it :)

Unknown said...

Fits her to a tee! She's as beautiful as her Mom!

Heatherbaby said...

Awww! Thanks Mary! She is a beauty, that is for sure. She loved getting her hair cut and was such a good girl during it! I'm sure she'll be wanting a hair cut every week now =)

Pamela Larkin said...

Beautiful! People pay hundreds to get that same look!