Wednesday, December 10, 2008


We had another eventful day with Brooke...or more accurately, Heather did while I was at work. Brooke has a bad cough and a trip to her doctor turned into a trip to the ER, X-Rays, medication, and viral swabs. Turns out she has a viral upper respiratory thing. She looks so pathetic breathing, and her cough sounds like a dog barking. A small dog, but a dog nonetheless.

Get better, my little fuzzy-headed gherkin.


Unknown said...

poor little sweetheart! yes, get better Brook..........funny you should call her a gerkin.....Dave's sister calls Dylan "Dill pickle"

Dennis said...

I need to get over there and give that girl some TLC.

Pamela Larkin said...

Awww Brooke see what happens when you grow up? The problems begin. Stay strong.

Anonymous said...

Brooke is certainly keeping mom and dad on their toes, huh?

Alisa said...

How's the gherkin today?

wildmary said...

A few days later..Glad to hear you're doing better, Brooke. Daddy and Mommy will keep Dennis away - not to worry.