Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dennis Took His Toys And Went Home

Hey Dennis, we all miss you in the blogosphere. Please come back, we have noticed the level of acerbic wit around here has dropped off sharply since you left us.


Dennis said...

I'm not acerbic. I'm Scotch-Irish. We have a heritage of conquest and whiskey making.

Alisa said...

I thought you were Scottish. Since you are really Scotch, are you tape or whisky?

(Okay, that was bad, but I got scolded once by an old Scottish lady for calling her Scotch and this is finally my revenge.)

Dennis said...

I'll tell her you got your revenge when I see her at the convention. We all know each other.

Scotch-Irish is really just the list of countries that my people conquered on their way from Denmark to America.

In any case there isn't much relevant cultural memory for me in knowing where my ancestors came from. Both my parent's families have been in North America for several hundred years; since before the revolution. No Ellis Island stories for me.....

wildmary said...

So where are the fresh blog posts, Denizen? We all eagerly await their return.