Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Wonderland Next Door

Tucked behind the parents lounge here, we discovered a wonderland filled with the most interesting assortment of kiddy-distractions this side of Wonka Chocolates.

The hospital has built this supervised "Children's Garden" to keep the little ones entertained while their parents grapple with more serious matters in the NICU next door. The entire floor of the place is covered with several inches of rubber, and there are books, computers, big televisions, and wooden flowers. Oh, and large couches.

I wish I had known about those couches last night.


Alisa said...

It's beautiful. Hospitals sure have come a long way.

Any Brooke updates?

Heatherbaby said...

The couches would have been a luxury compared to what you had to put up with for sleeping last night. However, the nurse informed me that they lock up the children's garden at night so you would not have had the couches after all.

wildmary said...

Or he would have been locked in!
It looks like "Dr. Seuss' Horton's in the Hospital"