Friday, November 21, 2008

It's Good

Maddie likes being called Princess. She's not our daughter, she's our Princess.

One day she was playing with Zach and she said "I'm Miss Princess. Zachy Princess too!"

I knew what was coming next. Zach yelped "I'm not a Princess!!!!"

So I told Maddie that if she was a Princess, then Zach was a Prince.

Well, she wanted to know what Mommy was, and from the previous conversation its a short leap to Heather being the Queen.

And guess what that makes me?

At dinner tonight Maddie kept saying "Daddy the KING! Daddy the KING!"

I could get used to this.


wildmary said...

King of the World of Wild!!

wildmary said...

Does that make me the jester? It could be worse.

Anonymous said...

Once a king always a king, but once a knight is enough.
-Traditional RO Shrine saying.