Maddie likes being called Princess. She's not our daughter, she's our Princess.
One day she was playing with Zach and she said "I'm Miss Princess. Zachy Princess too!"
I knew what was coming next. Zach yelped "I'm not a Princess!!!!"
So I told Maddie that if she was a Princess, then Zach was a Prince.
Well, she wanted to know what Mommy was, and from the previous conversation its a short leap to Heather being the Queen.
And guess what that makes me?
At dinner tonight Maddie kept saying "Daddy the KING! Daddy the KING!"
I could get used to this.
King of the World of Wild!!
Does that make me the jester? It could be worse.
Once a king always a king, but once a knight is enough.
-Traditional RO Shrine saying.
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