Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bulls With Mammaries

It's days like this that we males are reminded in no uncertain terms just how unnecessary we are to this whole human adventure. With all my rippling muscles and manly brawn (ok, allow me a little poetic license here), I can do nothing to take this pain away from Heather. Sitting here I feel like the proverbial "boobs on a bull", spilling over with good intentions, but nothing real to give.

So I just sit here and try to do my best to let Heather know I'm here and I wish I could take the pain myself. I remind her that in a few hours she'll be able to hold her new daughter for the first time.

I hope that's good enough because that's all I can do.


Unknown said...

if she doesn't want to whack you one you must be doing something right! bravo Heather, we're proud of you!

Alisa said...

Heather, you are sure doing your job with grace.

Dave, hang in there!