Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Uninvited Guest

So, I have this thing on me called an Actinic Keratosis. It's a pre-cancerous thingy with a bad attitude.

I hate having uninvited foreign stuff on my body. Kinda creepy. My doctor tells me I did invite it though, and just don't remember. It comes from never wearing sunscreen and failing to have enough recent African ancestry. So, half my fault, half great-great-grandpa's fault.

It's like a bad party guest who shows up suddenly, slurps down all the Jell-O shots, and crashes on your living room floor in a pool of bright-green vomit.

Anyhow, I have to go in on Sept 11th and have it removed with a light saber, or some similar but less-exciting tool.

I'm going to make a mental note to stop inviting these things to my parties.


Dennis said...

Didn't Bob Seger write a song about your guest? On September 11th, "she'll pack up her bags and she'll take of down the road".

wildmary said...

I had AK on my nose last winter and the dermatologist gave me "chemotherapy in a tube". Easier than an old hooker on 8 mile (as you would say). I just dabbed a tiny bit on my nose twice a day for two weeks. It was red when the Dr. checked it again, so she said, "Yup, precancer or cancer. It'll heal in another week or so." End of story. No ugly scars, no green vomit and no light sabers. Good luck.

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