Monday, August 11, 2008

Cash & Stainless Steel

We spent unholy amounts of cash this weekend as we accumulated stainless steel appliances and tractors. We got a new fridge, range, washer, dryer, and of course, the lawn beast. Everything except a microwave oven, which, unsurprisingly if you know me, I'm in no hurry for.


Dennis said...

Unholy amounts of money on holy appliances; you DID get the "certified Sabbath mode" oven/range?

Alisa said...

And fingerprints you shall have! Stainless is beautiful but it attracts fingerprints the way flypaper attracts...well, you know.

Let me know if you need the name of a good polish - I have it at home and it works wonders.

Dave said...

We used to use a white milky one at the restaurant I worked at, and it worked great...but I can't remember what it was called.