We all got up early and headed for our favorite breakfast place, the very popular "Original Pancake House" on Woodward. If you've never been there, you're missing a rare treat. This is no IHOP. But bring your cardiologist.
And speaking of doctors, we saw Jack Kevorkian there. He was just leaving as we were entering. He's looking old and tiny, but still full of spunk. I like the old man. They shouldn't have done what they did to him. Your life should be, well, your life. Grr.
Sorry for the soapbox. Ok, back down.
I had buckwheat pancakes, which I love. Earthy and rich and dark. With enough premium butter on board to make a Frenchman swoon. And that hot syrup...it's evil and wicked and absolutely yum-city and being Father's Day, I got to share it with my kids, all two and a half of them :)
Jack is the man! Pushing back at those who would like to control your body. If i was there his breakfast would have been on me! I hope the country is more enlightened when it is time to punch my ticket.
Jack was extreme but he did have all of America buzzing for while. He was not a bad man-just one one a mission. I personally don't think what he was doing was so wrong.
I'm with you Brian. Roe v Wade ruled that individuals have unfettered determination over ones own person. Where are the good lawyers?
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