Thursday, September 29, 2011


Please, somebody design a bookkeeping app!


Right now QuickBooks owns that market and they suck like a vacuum cleaner. Not only is there minimal  innovation in their products, but they are way too expensive. You can tell they just don’t give a crap because they don’t have to…there’s no competition for them.


We need a program to do what iBank did to trounce Quicken…come in with an inexpensive high-performance app that proves these things don’t have to cost $200.


Here are some of my many peeves with QuickBooks:


-Clunky, old-fashioned interface that is very difficult to use.

- No upgrade pricing until recently. Now they give you a small discount, even if you just bought the previous version the day before the new one came out. $229 full version, $199 upgrade. These prices should be $49 and $29 respectively. This is not rocket science. Do they really think this product is worth more than Adobe Lightroom?

- Zero support. Oh, sorry. Yes, you can actually contact them. But only by US mail! No email support, and apparently phone support costs extra and is very expensive. Your simple question will go unanswered.

- The QuickBooks website does everything in its power to ensure you will not find the answer you are looking for. They promote the community support model, which means your questions may be answered by some random fool who could easily be insane, completely throwing you off base and giving you bogus advice and you’ll never know it.


So please, somebody. Write an app. It’s not difficult. And make it a 21st century app with cloud and mobile device support. These bozos need a serious lesson in customer care.

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