Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dumber than a bag of hammers

You're walking across the McDonald's parking lot towards your car when couple of guys hanging around there ask if you'd like to buy a brand-new iPad from them. They got some at cost and need to unload them fast.

Any red warning lights going off yet?

You jump on it of course, because reputable salesmen always hang out in McDonald's parking lots. The price is $300 but you only have $180 on you. Oh well. But wait! The salesmen are nice enough to lower the price to $180, just this once, just for you.

How about now, any bells or warnings?

The product is all wrapped up in a FedEx box, so they can't show it to you. But trust them, it's fine.

What about now?

For us, yes. But not for the dumbass lady who really fell for this. And she actually had the gall to tell the police. I think I'd just go hide in a closet.

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