Friday, June 17, 2011


Incidentally, there were some interesting comments posted to the site that announced the faux 2001 movie posters, one for HAL and the one shown here for the Pan Am Space Plane. One guy wrote:
"Man, I wish I could book a flight on the Pan Am space plane. What happened to the 21st century I was promised back in the 1970s?"
and there were all kinds of funny politically-motivated comments like:
"Your parents voted for Reagan"
...etc, but one comment summed it all up perfectly:
"Leaving party politics aside, the short answer is, we won the Space Race. It really was all about beating the Godless Commies to the Moon; science and exploration were always secondary. In the absence of grand spectacle public apathy set in, and anything without a military application was cut to the bone. The robotic NASA missions have accomplished truly amazing things, but manned space flight has basically amounted to farting around in Low Earth Orbit for the past forty years."

1 comment:

wildmary said...

It's always about the money and how high on the priority list your cause is to those who have the money. It's the same thing in medical research. Seriously, we could cure any known disease given the funds and resources to do it. It's all about the money.