Friday, June 17, 2011

If Only

Steve Vai just finished a big tour in May and promptly signed his gear and sent it all back to the manufacturers so they can sell it on eBay.
One such piece is an amplifier on sale now - the left-hand one in this very photo. And it's a killer amp too, a Carvin VL412 Legacy Half Stack. All-vacuum-tube pre and power amps. And Vai played it on tour. I wonder if the amp would bitch and complain about how comparatively lame I am next to Vai if I got it and played through it.
Vai uses a mixture of amps on tour. He likes the sound of Carvins alongside Marshalls, he thinks they have complementary tone characteristics and sound good together.
I know, my birthday is over, but Father's Day is coming, dear readers.

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