Friday, December 3, 2010

"When out on the lawn..."

I looked outside this morning and saw snow falling on the lawn for the
first time this year. Now, as I have aged I have grown to hate most of
winter and I much, much prefer sunny summer. Winter depresses me into a
fuzzy gray cocoon. But When I was a kid I loved winter. I was outside
all day every day building snow forts and tunnels and pretty much
stripping the lawn of snow for my raw materials. I was an icicle
specialist too, many cruel weapons and useful tools came from my wicked
ice foundry.

Today the first snow always reminds me of one particular Christmas Eve
(we celebrated Christmas on the Eve). We were just getting ready to dive
into dinner and presents. I remember it like it was yesterday. Now, I
had started skiing a few years earlier and was still renting equipment.
So when my mother came in from outdoors and announced that Santa had
left something on the lawn that I could ski on, why, the first thing
that popped into my head was that my parents had bought me skis!

Away to the window I flew like a flash!

Alas, she was just talking about snow. :(

In fairness to both Santa and my mother, I did get skis the next year
for Christmas!

1 comment:

wildmary said...

That's a good one! Just one of many Christmas disappointments set up by the nature of the celebration.