Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Brain Dead

The future of farming chickens?


“André Ford has presented a very radical solution increase the efficiency and humaneness in raising poultry. Under his plan, birds would have their frontal cortexes surgically severed, rendering the animals permanently unconscious with no zero sensory input while maintaining their lower brain functions—breathing and such—so that they continue to grow.”


In general, the trend in food production is to get further and further away from nature.  It won’t be long before they can just grow meat in a factory, mark my words.


Personally, I’m not convinced this is a good idea, particularly because I know they’ll start adding all kinds of new hormones and chemicals to increase production and we’ll end up eating them. And I can’t imagine any of these things would taste good either.

1 comment:

wildmary said...

That's disgusting! I've already heard about producing meat in a laboratory without benefit of the animal!