The Miss USA contestants are always asked a series of questions and this year one of the questions asked was:
"Do you believe evolution should be taught in American schools"
WTF kind of question is that? It's just about exactly the same thing as asking if science should be taught in American schools at all. I don't get it. You teach science, of course you do. All of it, not just the parts that people feel comfortable with in light of their worldviews. If the science is sound and valid, as it most certainly is with evolutionary biology, then yes, you teach it.
Oh, it gets worse. Much worse. Guess how our darling young beauties answered this question...
...only TWO of the 51 entrants answered yes.
We might as well just sign over our futures to the Chinese and Indians right now. Because guess what, they ARE teaching it.
Ahh, but there is some cosmic justice in this story at least. One of the two girls who answered yes WON the contest:
"The newly crowned Miss USA, Alyssa Campanella, 21, of Los Angeles, who calls herself 'a huge science geek,' says evolution should be taught in public schools."
Alyssa is very beautiful. But her real beauty is her brain.
Kudos, Alyssa. For being beautiful AND right.
Can,t religious folks just suppose that maybe the creator invented evolution. That would reconcile thir dilemma I would think.
Yeah, but they seem to have issues with the fact that we are related to every other living thing on Earth. If we have souls then everything else must. If everything else doesn't how can we?
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