Monday, May 23, 2011

Tiny Memories

My how electronics have advanced. Remember those huge video cameras of the 80's, the ones that could swallow a VHS tape without noticing? Then came the 8mm tape versions which were about half the size. After that it was Mini-DV with the little answering-machine sized tape cassettes. Then tiny hard drives. And now we have camera like this one, which we just got.
It's so tiny I can hardly describe it. Put it this way: when I hold it in my hand and close my hand, you can't see it. It records to SD card in High Def, has Dolby Digital sound, and the zoom will reveal your subject's nasal-hair-trimming skills. It also fires up in about one second, so it's always ready. Expect to see lots of dance recitals, sporting events, and rocket launches very soon.

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