Thursday, April 21, 2011


So concerned are people about carbs these days (thanks, Atkins) that Einstein Bros has turned the once-noble bagel into a 5-millimeter-thick cream-cheese transport disc.
I like my bagels three-dimensional thankyouverymuch.

1 comment:

wildmary said...

I thought it was just up here that a REAL bagel could not be found.
People just don't want to accept that Atkin's diet is bad for you. They just want their bacon!

From Disease Proof, a website:
"High-fat diets are dangerous. A couple years ago, a study linked the Atkins diet with inflammation linked with heart and artery disease. Atkins himself was overweight and had heart problems. In addition to heart problems, consuming copious amounts of meat, i.e. saturated fat, and little to no fiber and fruit, heightens risk of colon cancer and other cancers