Tuesday, August 10, 2010

LC Penney

Madison has that scourge of modern society: lice. We found out this morning thanks to the ever-vigilant Lice Police at her daycare. So she's on her way for treatment. I guess everyone in the house has to be examined now (except me of course:)
The lice will be cured by treatment, but now we have to find out how to get that penny out of her hair.


Unknown said...

Thank goodness we never had to "go" there. I have to say it's amazing that you give it us the good, the bad, and ugly Dave!

wildmary said...

We missed the scourge of licedom as well. I think it would have really creeped me out. Parents. We just do what we have to do. Pick nits, change dirty diapers, get kids out of jail, scrub dirty floors....