Monday, August 16, 2010

Explosion At The Daycare

The lice situation exploded into a full-blown drama last week. We got calls every day to come get Madison and finally on Friday, after taking two days off work to pick nits, I exploded.
I unleashed a rant on the poor unsuspecting daycare workers that must have had them stinging for quite a while because they reported it to the owner who told us she's discounting our tuition for the week and she personally came over last night and spent an hour or so going through Madison's hair to make sure she looked good for Monday! Attention achieved.
I am constantly reminded that the reason people explode and yell and carry-on loudly sometimes at businesses is precisely because it gets results. If I had written a strongly worded email they wouldn't have done a thing.
And I have the added benefit of having the daycare workers fear me. I'm not the quiet dad anymore, I'm that guy who might just be capable of anything. And that's not a bad rep to have sometimes.
It the risk of blowing my own horn (where did that saying come from exactly, isn't one supposed to blow one's own horn, as opposed to the saliva-soaked horn lying on the table?) I used to be really good at baseball and I remember the feeling I'd get the first time I came up to bat in front of a new team and I'd smack the ball over the left field fence and after that everyone would run out far to the fence when I came up. It's not often in life we get to feel like that. My daycare explosion, it gave me that feeling.
I need to do that more often.