Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Babbling Brooke

Brooke has been really kicking up the heat when it comes to talking lately. She's in a mode of learning new words every day and doesn't let anything slow her down. She's started doing short sentences and she's really good at imitating words. She'll often repeat words other people say right afterward, always practicing and there are many words she says perfectly (like Elephant"). We love to listen to her, especially when she's just a little off. It's the cutest thing ever. Here are a few of her recent gems:
When she started out with Madison she just said "Mom", because she couldn't manage the rest yet. Then she went on to "Mommyson", and then "Madishon". She's just on the verge of saying it perfectly.
When she saw Zach yesterday she called out "Hi Zachy!" and gave him a big hug it was music to his ears.
My personal current favorite is how she says "Bathing Suit" and "Flip-Flops", two beach-related words that we got to hear quite a bit last week at reunion. She says "Baby Shoop" and "Flop-Flops" :) She even pulls her "Baby Shoop" on pretty well now, and she's an ace at donning "Flop-Flops".
And occasionally she surprises us and goes off on a tangent. Last week at reunion Heather told her to say "Aunt Mary" and she blurted out, loud & proud:


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