So we're going to do something about it. We now have a bad case of deck fever to add to spring fever. Two fevers. One cure.
Since we're doing this from scratch, we get to plan the deck out to fit our lifestyle. We love to entertain, so it needs to have lots of room, and extra seating in the form of built-in benches. Other wants: lighting, sound, big flower pots, a place to grow herbs, and a big hot greasy grill! And we'd really like to use Trex so we won't ever have to dance with deck sealer again.
This is a sketch I did of one possible design. It will probably evolve, but it's just something for us to kick around.
Your deck-to-be sounds a lot like our deck! We have the benches, the flower pots, the grill, lots of room. No sound, lights or Trex, though. I can't wait to see yours!
may not want the grill next to a window or near the house at all. get one of those deck designing programs and check out your city codes/regulations sooner rather than later...
Bri - I already thoughgt of that and moved the grill. Went over all city ordinances and codes and everything else is good.
I've got built in seating and tables and flower boxes on my deck, too. My front porch is Trex and it's awesome! Come see it!
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