Wow. Ten years. That's a lot of skinned knees and spilled ice cream. Lots of laughs and lots of tears. I am having trouble wrapping my mind around the fact that my little baby boy is ten years old now and on his way to his last year of elementary school.
Zach was born on the Friday before the 4th Annual Dream Cruise in 1999. He was a big baby, I remember hearing a nurse whisper "Oh My God, he's HUGE!" as they put him on the scale. He was 10 lbs, 2.5 oz.
Zach has always been a thoughtful and logical kid, coming up with an endless stream of questions about all kinds of deep subjects on a regular basis. And he has called me out on many occasions when he knew I was wrong and he was right. He wears me down and builds me up again. He has been drawn to many of the same things I was at his age: space, dinosaurs and cars, things to build with and things that destroy other things.
He loves to be scared, to read and watch spooky tales, but sometimes pays the price later on when the lights go out and the images do not.
He's a talented artist and he's got a very perceptive eye.
And oh how we love to tease him about his "girlfriends": Bethany, Miranda, Arianna. The red face and the barely-hidden smile and the shout of "Dad!".
Zach adds so much to our family that I can't even recall what life was like before he arrived.
We love you Z, and we can't wait to see what changes the next ten years with you brings.
If you think 10 seems impossible, wait til your 1st born hits 30.......life goes by ever so swiftly! Enjoy each and every day with him (and the girls).
We just spent time with him today-Both are big/little guys have hit the decade mark-talk about making all of us feel old!
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