Monday, June 1, 2009

Cheeto Jesus?

This is supposed to be Cheeto Jesus. To me, it looks more like a member of the Taliban, long beard blowing in the Afghan mountain breeze.

But of course, that wouldn't sell as well on eBay now, would it?

But we all know it's just a Cheeto...don't we?...don't we?

One of my greatest worries is that there are actually people out there who believe that this Cheeto might in fact be somehow blessed by a deity with some kind of message instead of being a random chance event like it is. It's corn. And artificial cheese product. And salt. People, please, PLEASE.

The fact is, when you consider how many Cheetos are made each year, it would worry me if there weren't Cheetos resembling famous people out there.


wildmary said...

I think it looks like Julia Child serving brie and bread.

Brian said...

Abe Vegoda wearing a Davey Crocket hat and a dress dancing the cabbage patch.