We are dangerously low (or even out) of many of my necessary herbs and spices. I need these flavors to create the meals my family has come to love me for. I am like an artist with only blue paint, and the royal family expects a masterpiece.
This severely spice-deprived state has driven me far deeper into my spice cupboard than I have ventured in quite some time. I am using fenugreek and annatto, charnuska and black cardamom in new and sometimes crazy ways! I suppose hardship really does force a "growing of the art". I know I am making things in ways that I wouldn't if the old standbys of coriander and cumin were right there in front of me.
So, strap the Malamutes up to the sled, a serious expedition to Penzeys is required, for sure. But I think I'll try to keep this new spirit of discovery alive after we restock.
A sort of aromatic silver lining in the storm clouds of empty spice jars.
We just went to Penzey's today! Our situation was not as dire as yours, but it was my first trip in a long time.
i'll go with you, i need the good stuff too.
ps. i once did a still life with only blue paint in that CCS class we took.
Picasso had his "blue period"!
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