Friday, December 26, 2008

Out To Lunch

I've been so busy Facebooking my family lately (there has been a mass takeover of Facebook by my peeps, I think we populate 97% of all new accounts now) that I haven't blogged much.

Of course, I have also spent considerable time showing my iPhone off to everyone who will listen, but the upside of my new found extreme mobileness is that I should be better at squirting out the updates.


Alisa said...

The blogosphere has been a little dry lately, everyone. I am a bit disturbed that FB seems to have overshadowed this once rich forum.


wildmary said...

I agree. I still haven't figured out Facebook. I don't know how to answer people or comment without the whole world getting it. I miss posting pics and having a select group keep in contact. Blogspot, here I come!

wildmary said...

Carol looks a bit bored with the iPhone...