Friday, November 21, 2008

Some Stuff & More Stuff

Here's an update of all the little miscellaneous things that have been happening:

- We should be going home today! Probably by 11 AM or so!

- The hospital is under constructions and they seem to be using the noisiest tools right next to our room. And they start early.

- The new parents in the room next to us, on the other side from the construction, call the nurse every 2.3 minutes, on average. The nurse is not happy.

- Nurse calls nowadays go right to the nurses mobile phones.

- Brooke's bilirubin test is borderline, she just got a blood draw to check it this morning. We're all hoping intensely that we don't have a repeat of Maddie's "Bilirubin Blues".

- Speaking of Maddie, Brooke slept for 4 hours straight last night, which is something our first daughter almost never does.

- Heather is doing great, she looks like a true pro with Brooke.

- Brooke is doing great too, she's eating good, like her daddy :)

1 comment:

wildmary said...

Heather looks like a pro because she IS a pro. A natural. Mom extraordinairre!