Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Here's a general update on the crazy World of Wild:

- Zach and Maddie and I came home last night, and Heather stayed at the hospital with Brooke. Brooke's bili number was 11.something last night and only about 12 and change this morning, which means she should be going home today. But the doctors are out golfing or flirting or both and nobody knows when they'll (and I say "they'll" because even small jobs seem to require 5 or 6 of them) be back. So Heather and the baby are ready to come home, but we have to get the establishment in gear to get this to happen. I'm investing in a cattle prod.

- Getting two kids ready for school and taking them there is much like planning and executing an extended south-polar expedition, complete with inventories of equipment, supply lines, and the care and feeding of sled dogs. I just got home.

- My sister Mary is coming today! We're all excited about that. She's staying here through TG and until Saturday!

- Now I've got a few thousand wedding photos to edit, and I smell that the life-sustaining pot of coffee I put on has started to brew, so I'm off...

Later pipsqueaks.


wildmary said...

I got two kids ready for school by myself (before work )for 12 years or so. I did everything else, too. But I'm sure you admire me for that! And I'm excited about coming, too. Be right there!

Bri said...

I admire you Mim!

Pamela Larkin said...

I've been doing the job you did for one day for years. Welcome to motherhood.

Dave said...

No need to be hostile, people. The hardest part was finding everything I needed, and you all ready know that. The kids are the easy part :)