Did you know that when you look at your camera's LCD screen right after you shoot a picture to see how the shot came out that you are engaging in "chimping"?
That is the term for this type of behavior. It is used by some snooty photographers in a derogatory fashion to describe the "Ooo Ooo" & "Ahhh Ahhh" sounds made by an amateur when they see that they got a good shot.
Some uptight old school shooters seem to think chimping is somehow cheating. After all, they reason, if you did your homework and set your exposure right, you should already know how the shot came out, just like in the film days when chimping was not possible.
Well, phooey I say. I chimp all the time. I may not like microwave ovens, but I know a useful technological breakthrough when I see one. Chimping is now standard practice for many professional photogs who know that any advantage you can get that allows you to take better pictures is a welcome one.
So chimp away, and pay no heed to the guy next to you fumbling with the settings on his ruinously expensive Hasselblad.
He's not going to figure out he forgot to load his film until sometime tomorrow afternoon.
You can chimp with a Hasselblad if you have a digital back. Tell me how it works when you get one.
The 'Blad digital back is 36 Thousand bucks, it's going to be a while.
How snobby do you have to be to accuse someone of acting like a primate just because they like to ooh and ahh over pictures you took?
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