Monday, November 24, 2008

Back In Black

Back at work today, the day job. Not the fun one.

I'm tired, as we all are at the New Crazy Wild house.

Brooke's days are inverted, I think she was supposed to be born in China. I wonder if her seasons are inverted too. In that case, perhaps she's misdirected from Australia. No matter, we'll take her. She's cuter than a baby Joey wrapped in a bow, any day.

Zach has been having seizures again. He had one last night and walked downstairs soaked in drool. There was a trail of it all the way back up to his room. Poor guy. The seizures come in clusters about every 6-months, so these seem to fit the pattern.

I'm in a terribly agitated mood today, lots of changes at work, and at home.

But I'm here, and that counts for something.

1 comment:

wildmary said...

For some reason we fear boredom but there is something very comforting about routine. Soon you will have one and it will be easier. Then you'll get bored...