I've been agonizing over a new name for my photography business. It's not easy coming up with a name that is not already registered on the web and/or the state, and that doesn't make me sound like a tool.
This is probably why I chose David Wild Photography in the first place. But now that I am registering as an LLC and likely taking on one or more partners, I need a more neutral name.
I've been rifling through lists of do's and don'ts, trying to get that perfect name that nobody has ever used before. I might as well be trying to assemble a jigsaw puzzle by throwing it in the air and hoping it will fall to the floor assembled.
The majority of my recent business has been weddings. So it should at least be "wedding-friendly".
Which kills the following otherwise completely acceptable names: Battle Axe Photography, Ball & Chain Media, Two-Bagger Studios, Clock Stopper, and of course, Kiss The Toad.
But seriously. Despite the blatant violation of "Rule #4: Don't use a committee to name your business" that this represents, please flood me with your suggestions. I have a few good ones which I will list below, along with my thoughts on them. By all means, give me your opinion. You'll have to carry the business card in your wallet or purse until the day I die, so give it a good thinking-about.
Natural Glow Photography - Evokes capturing the customer's natural look, in natural tones. We'll make you look good. Glowingly good. Like a pregnant woman. Of course, brides may feel a bit guilty.
Lightsmith - Like Blacksmith, but with photos.
Wonderlife - Evokes a good life, full of, well, wonder.
Simple Wonders - Simple implies less grief for the busy bride. Wonders is, well, wonderful.
Positive Proof Photography - Uses the photo-buzzword "proof", and also the positive image of the word "positive".
True Essence Photo - Reminds me a little of a scene in Dr. Strangelove, and not a pleasant one. It’s also hard to spell for the average public school grad.
Wild Wonders - Uses my last name
Wild River Photo - Uses my last name, and evokes the outdoors
Wildflowers - Cool name, a little feminine, maybe sounds like we are nature photogs?
Ok, have at it...
how bout "Wild Eye"
Find a name you like in another state, check the Michigan registry, if its not used here you can go for it. All the good names are taken.
"In your eyes"
"Flawless Photos"
"Forever Memories"
"Let me Shoot you"
"Still You"
"Couple of Memories"
"Your Memories Forever"
"Forever Treasures"
"Looking Back"
"Dreams Captured"
"All Developed" LMAO (for those high school senior pictures)
"Never Forget Photos"
If you pick one of those names I want 5% of all sales.
here's your name...
the proofessor
ps. i'll need 10%
the prints of pics
the prints-able group
sharbat gula
dynamic range
decent exposures
I think you should still use David Wild Photography. The guy who did our wedding had a company name that was some other guy's name. He had no idea who the guy was. The company had been through many metamorphoses before he came to buy the name from what had become a big studio. So long after you're gone, David Wild Photography could live on in infamy.
Oh, my bro and SIL have been using a photographer whose company is Olive Juice. Maybe that's available in Michigan.
Spectrum Photography
Focal Point Photography
Thanks for all the great ideas! I have looked many many of them up and found them taken eithe rin MI or on the web. I am getting very close to staying with "David Wild Photography", since I already have the domain parked! Thanks!!!
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