My brother Mark and sister-in-law Mary have a very cool coffee table in their house. I loved it the first time I saw it, it's so interesting and unique.
It's a hundred year old trolley, used in the furniture factories of Grand Rapids in days long-past. Mary has a friend who restores and sells them. I had to ask her how much it was, because I really wanted one.
Eighty-Five bucks!!!
Well, anyone with any sense can see that these are worth WAY more than $85. It's the real deal - made of hardwood, and the wheels are solid cast iron. But this kind woman only charges for her materials, not her time - which is considerable.
My brother Mark was in an antique shop in Traverse City and saw one exactly like this going for around $3,000! What's more, he knows of someone who has dozens of un-restored carts lying around in a barn. I think he smells and opportunity brewing. I wouldn't doubt if he went and bought the lot of them for Mary to restore :)
Anyhow, we got ours this weekend, and it's really "grand", with a serious helping of presence. Mary says it's the kind of unique conversation piece that makes a house "Rock". And it does, this 100 year old cart looks great in our one-month-old living room. It bestows instant authenticity. And you don't have to worry about the kids ruining it, it's built like a tank and it's seen worse, probably much worse, than anything we could throw at it.
Sorry, but don't bother asking me for this woman's phone number. She's on to the game now. We got the last of the bargain-carts. I think she'll be raising her price a bit for her next one.
Like, by a few grand.
Ooooh - I like it! And it probably eliminates the need for those pesky coasters, too!
It's very different and very different is good.
Oh yeah! I already got my cart...exacatly like yours. Love it!
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