Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Take My FM-3 From Me

A few of us wayward business travelers went downtown to the Mexican Consulate on the 8th floor of the Penobscot building to have our Mexican Visas (NOT Mexican Pizzas!) cancelled.

When we asked the kind woman at the consulate desk what would happen if we didn't have these revoked, she said that if we were to find ourselves in Mexico and they found out we had outstanding work visas...

"Well, they could give you trouble" was her exact response.

That's all I needed to know. Get this thing off the books, rapido.

So I am now legal in Mexico again.

And just to celebrate we went to the excellent Los Galanes restaurant in Mexican Town in Southwest Detroit.

Our fiesta complete, we all came back to work, needing siestas.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

I had a document issue at the immigration office in Juarez. I had forgotten my passport. Lucky for me, my temporary visa had a picture of Andrew Jackson on it. The people I was visiting told me later that they would have allowed me entrance into Juarez, even if I was Abraham Lincoln.