Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Flying Sqirrels

I thought my new tractor was quite a lawnmower...until I went to the mowing supply center and saw where the real lawnmowers live.

There were some fire-breathing beasts there that would scare the fenders off my new tractor. Look at this one:

35 Horsepower. Six-foot-wide cutting deck. Zero turn radius. Those were the official specs.

But unofficially, this thing could throw a squirrel 300 yards, easy. You can mulch, but if you use the bags you won't have to pick up the pedestrian body parts from all over the yard. Just imagine what this mower would do to your in-ground sprinkler system.

I have stood next to this thing. It's intimidating. Stay away, if you value your feet.


Dennis said...

It can double as a wheelchair after the incidental amputation.

ingrid said...

That's exactly the one my dad has. He upgraded from the John Deere mower we had when I was a kid. He also has a couple acres to mow.